Camp Pixie Dust #11-Wilderness Explorer Week + Pixie School Supply idea

I can't believe this summer is almost over! I'm already preparing for back to school! I forgot to post this last week, so here's a galaxy locker wallpaper craft in case you have a locker.

  • Black posterboard
  • Scissors
  • Blue, white, fuchsia and purple paint
  • Sponge applicator and paint brush
  • Magnetic stickers (or magnets)

  1. Cut the posterboard to fit your locker
  2.  Use the sponge to paint clouds of the paint. Just have fun with that, layer the colors and wait until they dry between each color
  3. The final layer will be tiny ribbons of white paint smeared on the background
  4. Use the paintbrush to paint stars. I painted constellations. 
  5. Attach the magnetic stickers to the back of the wallpaper. Or, you can use magnets to hang it on your locker 
I was going to post school supply tips next week, but I'll post them now because some of you already started school. I added pictures of items inspired by the Tinkerbell DS game to my supplies (flowers, shells, feathers, etc). Because I'm using a different color for each class to be organized, I'm adding items of that specific color. For the folders and notebooks, I used mod podge. For the binders, I attached them to scrapbook paper of that color and slipped them in the binder. I also added inspirational quotes.

Anyway, back to Camp Pixie Dust! 2013's camp weeks were based off of Pixie Hollow activities, and my favorite idea was Wilderness Explorer Week because I loved the wilderness. So this week will be about exploring. It's a good excuse to watch Legend of the Neverbeast and go on a nighttime hike (I like hiking on summer nights better because it's not as hot and I find nighttime to be relaxing). Who knows which animals you'll spot?

If you don't want to hike or are unable to, maybe you can make up a story of all the flitterific adventures your fairy is having. So far, Snow has been exploring the forest at nighttime and stargazing at the same time. Today, she plans to explore the Never Mine.

And of course, here's a badge.


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