Camp Pixie Dust 2018-Week 2-Scary Stories

Welcome to another Camp Pixie Dust 2018 post! This week, we'll be celebrating storytelling and storm talents with Scary Story Week! Okay, the stories don't have to be scary, but when I was planning, I thought of scary stories during a storm.

This week's camp ideas are to write a scary story (or any story) or read. I prefer not to read a scary story so late at night though. BTW, the dream I had last night was kind of scary at parts (probably because I stayed up too late). At least it's a decent way to start this week.

Speaking of stories, remember the campfire stories in the Fairy Tale Theatre? During camp, the theatre had a campfire. In 2010, the scripts had 5 plays written by winners of the campfire story contest, and they rotated throughout the summer. Other years, the script had fun phrases to use near the campfire.

One of the biggest parts of Camp Pixie Dust is Lyria coming. In 2010, Lyria would only tell a story at certain times on certain days marked on the event calendar. The calendar would tell you which story Lyria would tell. On other years, Lyria would perform every hour on the hour, so the performances were easier to attend. In 2011, Lyria didn't start telling stories until the 2nd section of camp. For the 2nd, 3rd and 4th sections, she'd tell one part of a Pixie Hollow Games history story. On the 5th and final section, she'd tell the entire story.

 In 2012, Lyria would tell the Fearless Five story from 2010 in the first section of camp. In the other sections, she'd tell a story about a certain mascot depending on the theme of the section. In 2013, Lyria would tell the story of the Never Unicorn for the entire summer. Oh, remember when Lyria would create pixie dust images? Yeah, that was fun.

And speaking of campfire stories, here's one from 2010, even though it's not a spoopy one:

Listen up, campers, for today's story is SEW important!
Nimble the seamstress told Mendy, "Just look!"
"There's a terrible problem in the tailoring nook!"
"Sally the spider keeps missing her stitches!"
And Nimble showed proof of all Sally's misses.
Mendy was troubled. What could be wrong?
Sally the stitching spider truly loved her job!
So Mendy watched Sally at work for a bit.
But Sally missed stitches, no denying it.
Poor Sally admitted she couldn't see well.
The spider said next she was frightened to tell.
Mendy decided that Bobble could help.
Because Bobble had exactly the same problem himself!
Bobble made Sally glasses just like he wore...
...and soon Sally's stitches were better than before!
Mendy was pleased -- glasses were all it took... make spider stitching easier in the tailoring nook!

Oh, and if you were to see a Lyria performance while wearing your camp shirt, you'd earn a badge. Here's one from 2018.


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