Camp Pixie Dust 2018-Week 1

This is it; it's time for my favorite event from the old Pixie Hollow; Camp Pixie Dust!

Each week will have a different theme. Because it's the first week, it would be appropriate if the theme is Introduction Week.

Camp Pixie Dust began in 2010 on the solstice. In 2011, the camp was Sports Camp and it began in July. Camp Pixie Dust returned due to popular demand in 2012 and 2013. A permanent tradition of camp is the sign up badge which you could easily earn by clicking on the sign up quill in Havendish Square.

Many meadows in Havendish were decorated, including the meadow itself, the tearoom (with the troop banners), the ballroom, the theatre and Cassie's Costume Shop. Camp Pixie Dust was the first and only event a shop was decorated (it had a simple banner BTW). In Cassie's, you'd buy uniforms for your talent troop. Though the uniforms had multiple pieces, you only really needed the shirt. The uniforms got a new look in 2013.

With the new talents in FairyABC, we need more talent troops! Here's a list of all the talent troops.
Animal-Troop Rabbit
Garden-Troop Butterfly
Light-Troop Glowworm
Tinker-Troop Turtle
Water-Troop Otter
Fast Flying-Troop Dragon (In camp 2012, Vidia said it was Troop Dragon and NOT Troop Dragonfly)
Harvest-Troop Mouse
Performing-Troop Hummingbird
Scout-Troop Bear
Sewing-Troop Silkworm
Storm-Troop Lightning Bat
Kitchen-Troop Honey Bee
Winter-Troop Snowy Owl
Art-Troop Ladybug
Dust Keeper-Troop Dust Bunny

Troop uniforms for the original troops are available in the Fairy Circle shop.

Each week, I'll post a campfire story from the original Pixie Hollow. Because it's the first week, I think it's a good idea to hear one of my favorites; The Fearless Five. This is a Lyria tale in 2010 and the first two weeks of 2012.

The Fearless Five

This next story is an absolute must.
It’s all about Camp Pixie Dust!
We have five animal mascots. Now hear the story ...
... of just how these mascots came to glory.
Once a terrible snake invaded a home.
We Fairies were too small to fight it alone!
So a clever butterfly quickly sent ...
... a quick rabbit to fetch an old camp tent.
Then a bright glowworm flashed on and off ...
... to lure the snake to the strong tent cloth.
A lively otter then wrapped the snake tight.
And a turtle sealed the cloth with a single bite!
Fairies and animals then dragged the snake far ...
... and set it free where it could do no harm.
So now you see our mascots immortalized.
The bravery of those Fearless Five!
Our story time has come to a close.

And because it's introduction week, I think it would be appropriate if there was a sign up badge.


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