Camp Pixie Dust 2018 Week 6-Flower Power

Fly with you campers! Hope you all had a delicious treat week! I made Popsicles and had tons of ice cream sandwiches! As much as I enjoyed treat week, it's time for a new theme, and that theme is FLOWER POWER WEEK!

I really liked 2013's theme ideas, and that's what flower power is taken off of. And of course, we're celebrating garden talents this week. This week is all about beauty. I feel like it's easy to take the beauty of Pixie Hollow for granted. So I set up a scavenger hunt all about beauty! These items are all found in the original meadows (not the new ones). Please do not publicly share answers. I'll post the answers in two weeks.


 And if you want to do a mainland scavenger hunt, here's a fun idea; find things (such as flowers) in the different colors. A good goal is to find one thing in all the colors on your list.

Now for camp memories! This week we'll reminisce on camp quests. In 2010, there were 2 quests that were added on I think the 5th week of camp or so. One of them was a Tinkerbell quest about making a friendship bracelet for Tiger Lilly, and the other was a Fawn quest about a bimblehoot. 
Here are the rewards:
Tink quest: Ginger Tan Ever Never Friend Bracelet
Fawn quest: Springtime Green Thistle Whistle 

In 2012, in the five talent themed sections of camp, each famous fairy had a different quest depending on the talent of the section. The quest is all about troop spirit, and it can only be done during a specific section. So, here's the rewards:
Fawn: Never Silver Bunny Flowerpot
Rosetta:Powder Blue Butterfly Statue
Silvermist: Never Silver Lilly Pad Pond
Tink: Never Silver Turtle Sprinkler
Iridessa: Never Silver Rainbow Flower Arch 

The quest situation in 2013 was similar; in each section, there was a different quest from a different famous fairy. Only the quests were each about looking for the Never Unicorn. At the end of the first four quests, you'd get part of a unicorn costume. In the final quest, you'd find the unicorn and would earn a badge reward upon completion. 

And I'm going to close off this post with a troop butterfly story from 2012.

Did you know butterflies have a great sense of fun?
What they love most is a joke on someone!
The biggest pranksters of all were Ben and Bea.
They could spend entire days planning a prank.
Once they tried to sursprise [sic] some baby badgers.
But, there was one problem with their plot.
Butterflies are very colorful, and easy to spot!
They thought and thought and came up with a plan.
To add a sneaky touch to their pretty wingspans!
A butterfly's wing is always beautiful and bright,
But, a symmetrical pattern would trick the badgers alright!
There would be no way to tell if they were coming or going.
It worked! The baby badgers squealed in surprise!
Pixies from Troop Butterfly are just like Bea and Ben.
Be sure to keep an eye out for this prank-loving friend!

Here's a badge:
And just a heads up; I won't be posting next week. But next week's theme is Camp Adventures. So try to go on as many adventures as possible! My next post is on August 6th


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